Our Lady of Victory SVDP : 513.922.4460
810 Neeb Road; Cincinnati, OH 45233
Website: http://www.o/v.orgl
⦁ Provides food, clothing, rent/utilities, and furniture to people who live in Delhi (45233 and 45238 zip codes)
Our Lord Christ the King SVDP : 513.321.4121
3223 Linwood Road; Cincinnati, OH 45226
Website: http://www.ourfordchristtheking.org/
⦁ Provides food, clothing, rent/utilities, and furniture to residents of Mt. Lookout and East End.
People Working Cooperatively : 513.351.7921
4612 Paddock Road; Cincinnati, OH 45229
Website: http://www.pwchomerepairs.org/
⦁ People Working Cooperatively is a non-profit organization serving low-income, elderly, and disabled homeowners in Ohio, Kentucky, and Indiana. PWC provides free professional critical home repairs, weatherization, mobility modification, and maintenance services to help residents stay safely in their homes
Resurrection Church SVDP : 513.471.2431
1750 1st Avenue; Cincinnati, OH 45205
No website:
⦁ Provides food, rent/utilizes to residents of 45205 zip code (Price Hill)
Safe Link : 800. SAFELIN K
No Address:
Website: www.SafeLink.com
⦁ Public assistance program that ensures wireless telephone service is available and affordable for low-income subscribers. Offers an allotment of free airtime minutes
⦁ Typically, individuals are eligible if they participate in a public assistance program such as Food Stamps, Medicaid, 881, TANF, HEAP, Free 8chool Lunch, and Section 8.
Salvation Army : 513.762.5660
114 East Central Parkway; Cincinnati, OH 45202
Website: http://www.use.salvationarmv.org/use/www use cincinnati.nsf/
⦁ Hours: Monday through Friday: 9am - 430pm; Occasional rent assistance
⦁ Utilities: once a year program starts in Jan. and lasts until funds run out
⦁ Heat~Share is administered by Salvation Army: applications accepted January-April
St. Aloysius Gonzaga SVDP : 513.574.4840
4366 Bridgetown Road, Cincinnati, OH 45211
Website: http://www.saintals.org/
⦁ Provides food, clothing, rent/utilities to people who live in the Bridgetown area
St. Ann Catholic Church SVDP : 513.521.8440
2900 West Galbraith Road; Cincinnati, OH 45239
Website: http://www.saintannparish.org
⦁ Provides food, rent/utilities to residents of Groesbeck (45239 zip code)
St. Antoninus SVDP : 513.922.5400
1500 Linneman Road; Cincinnati, OH 45238
Website: http://www.saintantoninus.org!church/church.htm
⦁ Provides food, clothing, rent/utilities, and furniture
⦁ Serves residents of Western Hills (45238 zip code)
St. Bartholomew SVDP : 513.522.3680
9375 Winton Road; Cincinnati, OH 45231
Website: http://www.estbarts.org/
⦁ Provides food, clothing, rent/utilities, and furniture to residents in North Finneytown (45231)
St. Bernard Parish (Spring Grove Village) SVDP : 513.541.3732
735 Derby Avenue; Cincinnati, OH 45232
No website
⦁ Provides food, clothing, rent/utilities, and furniture to residents of Spring Grove Village and Winton Terrace (45232)
St. Bernard (Taylor Creek) SVDP : 513.520.8911
7130 Harrison Avenue; Cincinnati, OH 45247
Website: http://stbernardtc.catholicweb.com/
⦁ Provides food, rent/utilities, vouchers for clothing and furniture, and prescription assistance
⦁ Serves residents of Taylor Creek (45247, 45002, 45248)
St. Catherine of Siena Church SVDP : 513.661.0651
2848 Fischer Place; Cincinnati, OH 45211
Website: http://www.stcatharinesiena.org/
⦁ Provides food, clothing, rent/utilities to people in the Westwood/Cheviot area
St. Cecilia Church SVDP : 513.871.5757
3105 Madison Avenue; Cincinnati, OH 45209
Website: http://www.stceciliacincinnati.orglhome
⦁ Provides food, clothing, rent/utilizes, and furniture
⦁ Serves residents in Oakley
St. John the Baptist SVDP : 513.367.9086
509 Harrison Avenue; Harrison, OH 45030
No website:
⦁ Provides food, clothes, rent/utilities, and furniture to residents of 45030 zip code (Harrison)
St. John the Evangelist Church SVDP : 513.791.3238
7121 Plainfield Road; Cincinnati, OH 45236
Website: http://www.stjohndp.org/
⦁ Provides food, clothing, rent/utilities, and furniture to residents of Deer Park (45236)
St. Joseph Catholic Church SVDP : 513.381.4526
745 Ezzard Charles Drive; Cincinnati, OH 45203
Website: http://www.stjoseph~catholicchurch. org/
⦁ Provides food, clothing, rent/utilities to residents of 45203 zip code
St. Lawrence Church SVDP : 513.921.0328
3680 Warsaw Avenue; Cincinnati, OH 45205
Website: http://www.stlawrenceparish.orgj
⦁ Provides food, rent/utility assistance, vouchers for clothing and furniture
⦁ Serves people who live within 45205 zip code (Price Hill)
St. Margaret Mary Church SVDP : 513.521.7387
1830 West Galbraith Road; Cincinnati, OH 45239
Website: http://www.stmargaretmaryparish.org(
⦁ Provides food, rent/utility assistance, vouchers for clothing and furniture
⦁ Serves people in North College Hill (45239,45231,45224)
St. Martin of Tours SVDP : 513.661.2000
3720 St. Martins Place; Cincinnati, OH 45211
Website: http://www.saintmartin.org/
⦁ Provides food, rent/utilities to people in the Cheviot area
St. Mary's Church SVDP : 513.321.1207
2853 Erie Avenue; Cincinnati, OH 45208
Website: http://www.smchp.com
⦁ Provides food, clothing, rent/utilities, transportation, and companionship
St William SVDP Society : 513.921.0247
4108 West Eighth Street; Cincinnati, OH 45205
Website: http://www.saintwilliam.com/index.shtmJ
⦁ Hours: Wednesdays: 615pm-7pm
⦁ Provides food, clothing, furniture and rent/utilities if funds allow
⦁ Serves residents within 45205 zip code (Price Hill)
Technology Assisting People in Need (TAPIN) : 513.924.9111
Website: www.tapin.org
⦁ Provides computers, monitors, printers and more for disabled and disadvantaged individuals
The Caring Place : 513.841.1499
6312 Kennedy Avenue; Cincinnati, OH 45213
Website; http://www.thecaringplace.info/
⦁ Provides food, clothing, furniture, financial assistance, and bus tokens
⦁ Serves residents of Golf Manor, Kennedy Heights, Pleasant Ridge, and Silverton (45213 zip code and some of 4212,45236,45237)
⦁ Requires photo 10 and proof of address
⦁ Hours: Tuesday and Thursday: 9am-2pm
Union Baptist Church Food Pantry : 513.381.3858
405 W Seventh Street; Cincinnati, Ohio 45203
Website: http://www.union-baptist.netlcms
⦁ Open 3rd and 4th Monday beginning at 12pm
⦁ Must show picture 10 and proof of residency postmarked within the last 30 days
⦁ Must show SS card or print out for each member of household
USA Cares, Inc. : 800.773.0387
562 N. Dixie Boulevard, Suite 3; Radcliff, KY 40160
Website: http://www.usacares.org/
⦁ Provides financial and advocacy assistance to post 9/11 active duty US military service personnel, veterans and their families
⦁ Services are free to service men and women and their families without obligation to repay
⦁ Financial assistance is not given directly to service members or their families; instead, payments are made to mortgage lenders, utility companies, and other vendors
⦁ Provides assistance with unexpected car repairs, utility bills, emergency food assistance, and foreclosure/eviction prevention
Valley Interfaith Food and Clothing Center : 513.821.3233
420 West Wyoming Avenue; Cincinnati, OH 45215 (Lockland)
Website: http://www. vifcc.org
⦁ Provides food, clothing, and emergency financial assistance to forestall an eviction or utility shut-off, and limited funds for medication
⦁ Serves residents in 45215,45216 as well as parts of 45231 and 45217
⦁ Hours: Monday, Tuesday, Thursday, Friday: 10am-2pm and Wednesday: 5pm-7pm
Article Index
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