Benefits Check-Up : 202.479.1200
1901 L Street, NW 4th Floor; Washington D.C. 20036
Website: http://www.benefitscheckup.org/
⦁ Website helps you find state, federal, and private benefits programs available where you live. These benefits programs can help pay for prescriptions, health care, food, utilities, and more. You can also get help with tax relief, transportation, legal issues, or finding work.

Bethel Baptist Church : 513.961.0804
2712 Alms Place; Cincinnati, OH 45206
No website
⦁ Hours: 1st and 3rd Friday of each month: 10am-330pm
⦁ Provides rent/utility and other financial assistance to residents of Greater Cincinnati

Butler County Veteran Service Commission : 513.887.3600
315 High Street (First Floor); Hamilton, Ohio 45011
Website: http://www.butlercountyohio.org/veteranservices/
⦁ Provides financial assistance to eligible Veterans, spouses, dependent children, and surviving spouses on an emergency basis for utilities

Community Action Agency (SELF) : 513.868.9300
1790 S. Erie Highway, Ste. A-C; Hamilton, OH 45011
Website: http://www.selfhelps.org/
⦁ SELF, or Supports to Encourage Low-income Families, is the community action agency for Butler County, Ohio. They offer several programs to help local residents with their bills and expenses, and that will also help people become self~sufficient over the long term
⦁ Some of their programs include: Weatherization (installing free upgrades to clients' homes, including extra insulation, caulking, windows, furnace tune ups, etc. to help people reduce their utility and heating bills) and Utility and Heating Bill Assistance from the Home Energy Assistance Program and Summer Crisis Cooling Program

St. Matthias the Apostle SVDP : 513.851.1930
1050 West Kemper Road; Cincinnati, OH 45240
Website: http://stmathiasforestpark.orgl
⦁ Provides food and rent/utilities to residents of Forest Park, Springdale, and Fairfield (zip codes: 45240, 45013, 45246)

St. Michael the Archangel : 513.563.6377
11144 Spinner Avenue, Cincinnati, OH 45241
Website: http://www.saintmichaelchurch.netl
⦁ Provides food, clothing, rent/utilities, and furniture to residents of Sharonville (45241)

St. Peter and Paul Church SVDP : 513.554.1010
330 West Vine Street; Reading, OH 45215
No website
⦁ Provides food, clothing, rent/utilities, and furniture to residents of Reading

St. Peter in Chains Cathedral SVDP : 513.421.5354
325 West 8th Street; Cincinnati, OH 45202
Website: http://www.stpeterinchainscathedral.org(
⦁ Provides food, clothing, rent/utility assistance, furniture, and bus tokens to residents of 45202 and 45203 (people living downtown, in Over the Rhine, and the West End)

St. Saviour Parish SVDP : 513.791.9004
​4136 Myrtle Avenue, Cincinnati, OH 45236
Website: http://stsaviourparish.org/
⦁ Provides food, clothing, rent/utilities, and furniture to residents of Rossmoyne (45236)

St. Vincent DePaul Emergency Services : 513.562.8841
1125 Bank Street; Cincinnati, OH 45214
Website: http://www.svdpcincinnati.org/
⦁ Assistance with rent and occasionally with mortgages if funds are available
⦁ Assistance with gas and electric bills; water bills
⦁ Must complete Request Form either in person Monday-Friday: 8am-430pm, online, or over the phone by calling 513.421.0602
⦁ Please bring the following documentation with you: Picture ID, Social Security Cards or a printout for the entire household; Proof of income of entire household; Proof of address, for example a utility bill, lease or piece of dated mail

St. Vivian SVDP : 513.728.4331
7600 Winton Road; Cincinnati, OH 45224
Website: http://www.stvivian.org/parish.php.
⦁ Assist residents of St Vivian Parish (45224 and some of 45231) with food, rent/utilities, furniture, household/clothing vouchers

St. Clare Church SVDP : 513.541.2100
1443 Cedar Avenue; Cincinnati, OH 45224 (College Hill)
Website: http://www.saintcfareparish.org/
⦁ Provides food, clothing, rent/utilities, and furniture to residents of College Hill

St. Dominic Church SVDP : 513.471.7741
4551 Delhi Pike; Cincinnati, OH 45238
Website: http://www.stdominicdelhi.org
⦁ Provides food, rent/utilities to residents of Delhi 45238 zip code

St. Gabriel Church SVDP : 513.771.4700
48 West Sharon Avenue; Cincinnati, OH 45246
Website: http://www.gabrielglendale.org/
⦁ Provides food, clothing, rent/utilities, and furniture
⦁ Serves residents of Glendale and Springdale (45246 zip code)

St. Gertrude/St. John Fisher SVDP : 513.561.5954
6543 Miami Avenue; Cincinnati, OH 45243
Website: http://www.stgertrude.org
⦁ Provides food, clothing, rent/utilities, furniture, and medicine to residents of Maderia and Newtown (45243 and 45244) by appointment only

St. Ignatius of Loyola Church SVDP : 513.661.6565
5222 North Bend Road; Cincinnati, OH 45247
Website: http://www.sainti.org
⦁ Provides food, clothing vouchers, help with utilities, and prescription assistance
⦁ Serves residents who live in Monfort Heights (45247 zip code)

St. James of the Valley SVDP : 513.948.1218
411 Springfield Pike; Wyoming, OH 45215
Website: http://stjamesotv.org/interim/default.htm
⦁ Provides food, clothing, rent/utilities, and furniture to residents of Wyoming/Lockland

St. James of White Oak Church SVDP : 513.741.5300
3565 Hubble Road; Cincinnati, OH 45247
Website: http://stiameswhiteoak.com/
⦁ Provides food, rent/utilities, and clothing to residents of White Oak (45247)

St. John the Baptist Dry Ridge SVDP : 513.385.8010
5361 Dry Ridge Road; Cincinnati, OH 45252
Website: http://www.stjohns-dr.orgl
⦁ Provides food, clothing, rent/utilities to residents of Dry Ridge (45252)

Salvation Army Family Service Bureau : 513.762.5660
114 East Central Parkway; Cincinnati, OH 45202
Website: http://www.use.salvationarmy.orgluselwww use cincinnati.nsf/
⦁ Homeless Prevention Program: must have a child under the age of 18, be at risk for homelessness, meet the current year poverty gUidelines, and be willing to be in a case management program

SEM Food Pantry : 513.231.1412
6474 Beechmont Avenue; Cincinnati, OH 45230
Website: http://www.semcommunities.orglfoodpantry.html
⦁ Provides food, utility assistance, and prescription assistance to residents of Eastern Hamilton County and Western/Central Clermont County
⦁ Hours: Monday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday: 930am-2pm; Tuesday: 5pm-7pm

Seven Hills Neighborhood Houses : 513.407.5362
901 Findlay Street; Cincinnati, OH 45214
Website: www.7hillsnh,org
⦁ Food pantry Hours: Monday-Friday: 1 Oam-3pm; Walk-ins welcome
⦁ Serves residents of the West End and OTR; May receive help once every 90 days
⦁ Assist with making referrals for rent, utilities and other basic necessities

Smart Money Community Services : 513.241.7266
800 Bank Street; Cincinnati, OH 45214 (City Link Center)
Website: www.smarf-money,org
⦁ Provides financial services and economic education to underserved individuals in Over the Rhine and Greater Cincinnati

SON Ministries : 513.385.1793
8871 Colerain Avenue; Cincinnati, OH 45251 (Grosbeck United Methodist Church)
​Website: http://www.groesbeckumc.org
⦁ Emergency food pantry open Monday, Wednesday: 10am~12pm; Wednesday evening:
⦁ Must live in the following zip code areas to be eligible: 45239, 45247,45251, & 45252
⦁ For assistance with food, bring picture 10 and proof of residence
⦁ For assistance with rent/utilities, bring utility disconnect or eviction notice

Nativity Parish SVDP : 513-531.3164
5935 Pandora Ave, Cincinnati, OH 45213
Website: http://www.nativity..cincinnati.arg/
⦁ Provides assistance with food, clothing, rent, utilities, furniture, prescriptions, bus tokens, etc
⦁ Serves residents of Pleasant Ridge, Kennedy Heights, Golf Manor, Roselawn, Norwood

NEEDS (NE Emergency Distribution Services) : 513.891.0850
8341 Kenwood Road; Cincinnati, OH 45236 (Kenwood Baptist Church)
No website
⦁ Hours: Tuesday and Thursday: 9am-1 pm
⦁ Serves Northeastern Hamilton County residents by providing food baskets, hygiene items, rent/utility assistance, and financial assistance for medical expenses

Ohio Benefit Bank : 800.648.1176
No Address:
Website: www.ohiobenefits.org
⦁ Ohioans can call or use website to complete applications for Food Stamps, Medicaid, Child Care Vouchers, Ohio Works First, HEAP, and all JFS services

Our Daily Bread : 513.621.6364
1730 Race Street (at Elder Street); Cincinnati, OH 45202
Website: http://www.ourdailybread.us/
⦁ Hours: Monday- Friday: 930am-1145am for food service and open later on Monday and Wednesday for daily activities such as foot clinic, bingo, cards, chess, movies, etc
⦁ Clothing, toiletries, and food bags given out daily during food service hours
⦁ Social worker provides assistance with rent/utilities, bus tokens to get to work/medical appointments, and assistance with obtaining/paying for ID's and birth certificates
⦁ Kids Club is open Tuesday, Wednesday, and Thursday: 230pm-5pm to provide a warm meal and after school activities to neighborhood children
⦁ Lunch on Legs program delivers daily afternoon meals to local senior citizens unable to leave their homes

Our Lady of Lourdes SVDP : 513.922.0715
2832 Rosebud Drive; Cincinnati, OH 45238
Website: http://www.ourdes.org
⦁ Provides assistance with food, clothing, rent/utilities, and furniture
⦁ Serves residents of Westwood (45238 zip code)

Our Lady of the Rosary : 513.825.8626
17 Farragut Road; Cincinnati, OH 45218
Website: http://olr.netl
⦁ Provides food, clothing, and rent/utilities to residents of Fairfield, Greenhills, Springfield Township, and Forest Park

Home Energy Assistance Program (HEAP) : 513.569.1850
222 E. Central Parkway; Cincinnati, OH
Website: http://www.hcjfs.hamifton-co.orgiOnlineServiceCenter0906.htm
⦁ Federally-funded assistance for eligible low-income Ohioans with winter heating bills; based on household size, income, location of residence, and type of heating fuel used
⦁ Those eligible receive a credit or a voucher, which is applied toward their heating bill
⦁ Available from November through March, or until funds are depleted
⦁ Applications at the Community Action Agency (1740 Langdon Farm Road, Cincinnati) or Hamilton County Job and Family Services (222 E. Central Parkway, Cincinnati)

Homestead Urban Development : 513.961.2800
2820 Vernon Place; Cincinnati, OH 45219
Website: http://www.hometodav.cc/
⦁ Down payment assistance, home improvement and repairs assistance and loans

Immaculate Heart of Mary SVDP : 513.388.4191
7820 Beechmont Avenue; Cincinnati, OH 45255
Website: http://ihom.org/
⦁ Provides food, clothing, rent/utilities, and furniture for residents of Forestville (45255)

Jewish Family Services (Barbash Support Center) : 513.469.1188
3113 Clifton Avenue; Cincinnati, OH 45220- (campus of Hebrew Union College)
Website: http://www.jfscinti.org/
⦁ Provides Kosher food and emergency assistance to prevent homelessness to anyone in the Greater Cincinnati Jewish Community as well as anyone living in the 45220 zip code
⦁ Helps households avoid eviction through HUD Program (Homelessness Prevention and Rapid Re-housing Program)

L.I.F.E. (Loveland Interfaith Effort) : 513.583.8222
101 South Lebanon Road; Loveland, OH 45140 (Prince of Peace Lutheran Church)
​Website: http://www./ove/andintetfaith.orgl
⦁ Hours: Wednesday and Saturday: 10am-1 pm; Thursday: 4pm-7pm
⦁ Provides food and rent/utility assistance to members within Loveland School District

Church of the Resurrection : 513.242.0400
1619 California Avenue; Cincinnati, OH 45237 (Bond Hill)
Website: http://churchoftheresurrection.co
⦁ Food Pantry Hours: Wednesday: 1 pm-3pm every week except during month of June/ Monday: 10am-12pm at the Evanston location
⦁ SVDP assists with food, clothing, rent/utilities
⦁ Serves residents of Bond Hill (45237 zip code)

Cincinnati Computer Cooperative : 513.771.3262
49 Noyner Drive; Cincinnati, OH 45215
Website: htfp://www.cincinnaticomputercooperative.org!
⦁ System prices range from $75 to $150 including computer, monitor, mouse and keyboard, making technology affordable for all qualified buyers, which includes K-14 students, seniors (over 55) and individuals receiving state or federal assistance.
⦁ Hours: Wednesday: 6pm-9pm and Saturday: 9am-12pm
⦁ Cincinnati Computer Cooperative customers can also sign up for low cost internet access with Cincinnati Bell for $15 for high speed internet or $5 for dial up service.

Community Action Agency : 513.569.1840 (ext.1031)
1740 Langdon Farm Road; Cincinnati, OH 45237
Website: http://www.cincy-caa.org/
⦁ Provides rent/mortgage and utility assistance

Consumer Credit Counseling Service : 513.366.4500
9545 Kenwood Road, Suite 204; Cincinnati, OH 45242
Website: www.cccservices.com
⦁ Non-Profit Organization dedicated to assisting in personal money management, debt management, and money management education
⦁ No income restrictions but clients do need a referral

Corpus Christi Church SVDP : 513.825.0618
2014 Springdale Road; Cincinnati, OH 45231
Website: http://www.corpuschristicommunity.org!
⦁ Hours: Monday and Thursday: 1 Oam-1130am; Thursday: 6pm-730pm
⦁ Provides food, clothing, rent/utilities, furniture, personal items, and cleaning supplies to residents in 45231 and 45240 zip codes (New Burlington and Pleasant Run)

Council on Aging : 513.721.1025
175 Tri County Parkway, Suite 175; Cincinnati, OH 45246
Website: http://www.help4seniors.org!
⦁ Financial assistance for low-income elderly or disabled persons, allowing them to live in a community-based group home environment

Walton Village Apartments : 859.728.5802
35 School Road; Walton, KY 41094
No website
⦁ Subsidized apartments for seniors and disabled adults